Bioscope (2015)

Bioscope (2015)

  • Movie : Bioscope (2015)
  • Produced By : Abhay Shevade
  • Narrated By : Gulzar
  • Associate Producers : Sanjay Dhankawade, Neha Pendase, Pariksheet Thorat
  • Co-produced By : Meghna Jadhav, Girish Mohite, Viju Mane, Vrinda Gajendra
  • Release Date : 17th July 2015

Short Films : 

  • Mitraa : 

    • Directed By : Ravi Jadhav
    • StarCast : Veena Jamkar, Mrunmayee Deshpande
    • Written By : Vijay Tendulkar
    • Screenplay & Dialogues : Ravi jadhav
    • Cinematography : Vasudeo Rane
      Music : Salil Kulkarni
    • Lyrics : Sandeep Khare
    • Art Direction : Siddharth Tatooskar
    • Editor : Manish More
  • Bail : 

    • Directed By : Girish Mohite
    • StarCast : Mangesh Desai, Smita Tambe, Uday Sabnis, Sagar Karande
    • Written By : Abay Dakhane
    • Screenplay : Girish Mohite, Abay Dakhane
    • Dialogues : Abay Dakhane
    • Cinematography : Santosh Shinde
    • Music : Avinash – Vishwajeet
    • Lyrics : Loknath Yashwant
    • Art Direction : Digambar Talekar
    • Editor : Nilesh Gawand
  • Ek Hota Kau : 

    • Directed By : Viju Mane
    • StarCast : Kushal Badrike, Spruha Joshi
    • Written By : Viju Mane
    • Screenplay : Viju Mane, Satish latkar
    • Dialogues : Satish latkar
    • Cinematography : Shabbir Naik
    • Music : Soham Pathak
    • Lyrics : Kishor Kadam
    • Art Direction : Sumit Patil
    • Editor : Satish Patil
  • Dili E Nadaan : 

    • Directed By : Gajendra Ahire
    • StarCast : Neena Kulkarni, Suhas Bhalekar
    • Written By : Gajendra Ahire
    • Screenplay & Dialogues : Gajendra Ahire
    • Cinematography : Krisha Souren
    • Music : Narendra Bhide
    • Lyrics : Mirza Galib
    • Art Direction : Santosh Putane
    • Editor : Mayur Hardas
Synopsis : Bioscope is an interesting projects where four different directors have teamed up to make a single film. The film has four independent stories woven around four poems and stories. Ravi Jadhav’s Mitra is based on a poem by Sandip Khare. Ahire’s Dil_E-Nadan is based on a gajhal by Mirza Galib. Ek Hota Kaau is directed by Viju Mane and based a poem by Saumitra. Girish Mohite’s Bail is based on a folk poet Loknath Yashwant. Ek Hota Kaau and Mitra were selected as short films in prestigious “Indian Panoram 2014”. Mitra has also won National Award in short films category and been shown in various international film festivals.

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