Producer Vivek Kajaria becomes a director with short film Durga

Producer Vivek Kajaria has produced films like Fandry, Siddhant and Anumati is all set to try his luck as director. Vivek has recently completed a short film ‘Durga’. The story revolves around a poor Village Artist (Bhola), who makes idols of Goddess Durga, his love for his granddaughter. The short film stars Veena Jamkar, Saachi and Kalyan Chatterjee.
On this occasion director and producer Vivek Kajaria said, “This film has given an opportunity to learn more about film making along with gaining technical expertise. I know many directors capable than myself but while making this movie, I was very clear in my head about what I wanted to show therefore I took up the challenge of directing on my own.”
Adding to the zest, Durga is selected for this year’s Busan International Film Festival to be held in Korea. The film is also expected to be seen at various National and International film festival in this year.

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